RIB boat battery maintenance and maintenanceQingdao HAOHAI Boat! Maintenance of FRP Yacht Surface

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RIB boat battery maintenance and maintenanceQingdao HAOHAI Boat! Maintenance of FRP Yacht Surface


Generally speaking, the batteries on yachts are maintenance-free, but there are still some ways to increase the effectiveness and service life of the battery:

Keep the battery fully charged, so that the battery can maintain a longer service life;


Check the battery at least once every 30 days;


Regularly clean the battery connector and wiring harness.


Check whether the battery cable is reliably connected to the terminal. Tighten the terminal nut 1/4 turn with a wrench after hand tightening.


Check the electrolyte capacity of each cell in the battery pack, and the electrolyte capacity level should be above the scale line. If the liquid level is lower than the scale, add distilled water until the electrolyte reaches the appropriate capacity value. Beware of overfilling the battery box with electrolyte.


Keep the battery in a cool and dry place when charging for a long time.


Check the battery charge every 3 months using a hydrometer or voltmeter.


If the specific gravity is lower than 1.225 or the voltage is lower than 12.4, the battery needs to be charged.
